How in the world can these folks say that this "WBW" stuff could "
promote ... unity and self esteem amongst Lesbian, Gay Bisexual, and Trans-gender persons," when the whole concept of "Womyn Born Womyn" is used to exclude transwomen from Mishfest!! (emphasis mine)
OUT!wear™ is quality custom Pridewear and Accessories "WORN WITH PRIDE" to promote visibility, unity and self esteem amongst Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Trans-gendered persons.To promote a positive image within our community, whether bold or discreet.
And they brag on their site that they are a lifetime PFLAG member.
We are proud to be lifetime members of PFLAG. A portion of the sale of PFLAG merchandise goes to support PFLAG's efforts.
I wonder why PFLAF and GLAAD has to say about all this transphobia. I know I hate it!!