Transgender Warning: Transgender stuff to follow!

Transgender Warning: Transgender stuff to follow!
There are now hundreds of articles, neat pictures and videos here, that are mostly trans* related.

Sunday, July 22, 2012


Our friend her recently made a comment to a post here. Thanks for reading my blog. I looked around to see who she was. Some how she inadvertently mistyped her user name. LOL

Just click the link below and see were it takes you. 

"Miz-Know-It-All"  says in her profile:

"I'm a whole bunch smarter and way better looking than you!"

I do wonder if she is so much better looking then anyone, why she does not use her own picture??? I also wonder what her boy name is???


Van buren said...

It was probably Bruce or Steve or something like that, and I'm *certain* she's probably insecure enough about her womanhood to be TOTALLY, distraught about you pointing out that she was born male and would have had a "boy" name

Miz Know-It-All said...

Why not the least bit distraught Dear! Accidents of birth can and do happen but what Miz Know-It-All found out years ago, unlike you Sir, they are quite correctable! As for names? Miz Know-It-All is a name which was given to me by my mother... and quite often when I was young! As for any other names given me? I accorded my Grandmothers name at birth, which I later changed to my mother's name as a means of honoring her memory... So darn! I really do hate to spoil your bit of fun but I've never had any sort of "boy" names!

And btw? I really am smarter and better looking than you!

Sophie said...

I believe the most common speculation is that she's a sock puppet of a known blogger.
In support of that, she was easily accepted by the usual deeply paranoid crowd, no hazing stuff as is usual. The only candidate that's been put forward online, that I've seen, was someone arguing that she was Anne, erstwhile of t-central, an ex-goiarite which makes some sense in the easy way she misgenders late life post ops. Who's also known to honor her mother greatly, as I recall,and uses folksy words like 'darn'. The absurdly theatric bilious writing style would tend to support the notion that she's some sort of sockpuppet anyway.
Of course this is mere speculation. What these types are beyond their mask is always hard to know. The only person of similar beliefs and who also gave herself the same airs of authority was Aria Blue who stopped blogging after allegations of unpaid child support and possible non op status were made. And with trans hating trans sentiments - well there are so many trans haters of different kinds that simple assertion of online identity isn't something one can take too seriously is it ?.

Anonymous said...

Of course not Sophie! How could any independent thought or opinion not in agreement with you "enlightened" penis packers POSSIBLY be taken seriously?

Oh! And that little issue about how real women might not appreciate the presense of men in dresses at a womens' only event? Let's not talk about that. Oh no...Let's talk about something 'really' important like what color panties you are wearing today.

Anonymous said...

Yeah "Sophie" took no time at all to jump on this and give his most dudely opinion of how it is so obvious that anyone not totally accepting of the teegee insanity must be some kind of sockpuppet.

Anonymous said...

Real talk.

Miz Know-It-All said...

Oh Sophie!
My how you do go on so! Misgender? What a funny word! Misgender! Think about it... How can I possibly misgender someone who professes to be genderqueer? Now about this sock puppet idea that you and Suzan Cooke seem to love so! Pish posh! I'm quite real and I'm a puppet to no one! My words, along with my life are very much my own thank you!

As for the writing style? Honey? I had a sex change operation not a "humorectomy" unlike certain ponderous old men!

Sophie said...

@MKIA Didn't know that suzan cooke also thought that, but most people seem to, so I suppose it's not that surprising.
When someone blogs anonymously it's surely only natural that one doesn't take them as seriously as someone who's open about their ID. They may be perfectly serious stealth women or some trans hating guy or a sock puppet or...That doesn't have any bearing on their arguments, obviously. Those I don't take seriously for other reasons, namely that they're inept.
As I believe I said in a comment you didn't publish, I don't particularly id as genderqueer except possibly in the way that all trans women may be thus categorised. And humour ? It may amuse you to get 'in part' through this strangely artificial style of speech,but the humour doesn't last, especially when it's only used as an adjunct to insult. The disguise it affords obviously does. And why would anyone need a disguise unless...

Anonymous said...

"My main aim was to try and ascertain just what exactly I was. It seemed axiomatic at the time that I couldn't just lose male history and identity, that whatever I was would come under the genderqueer rubric." ~Sophie

" it was only too obvious a conclusion. But there were still three ways I could see myself as being potentially genderqueer.
The first was simply by adopting 'genderqueer' as a more descriptive term than transgender or transsexual.
The second is a superficial performative thing....Being 'read' that way messages genderqueerness.
The third was more about what I might grow into." Sophie

So does this mean that you "ID" as a genderqueer transwoman?

Just what the heck is that???

Sophie's Mother said...

Transwoman? LOL!

"Sophie" and "woman" don't even live in the same zipcode!

Sophie said...

This is not a post about me so will not answer more here after this.
Probably the genderqueer thing needs a longer explanation, but the short one goes that it's a partial id just as being a manly woman can be a partial id for some cis women.Doesn't mean that they're saying in any way that they're not women if they do so.
@sophie's mother. My mother died not long ago from an excruciatingly painful long illness. Possibly an unwise id to take on.

Miz Know-It-All said...

Dear Dear Sophie!

You really are just too much! And it's so telling how you would want me to "show myself" so I can come out and "fight like a man!"

Why of course I will! Why a man has done called me out! Thinking for sure that I'll just jump right up and take the bait, just like a man! So why not!, let me simply take the whole of the life I've built and toss it and my loved ones in harms way so some sad old man with a penchant for dowdy ill fitting women's clothing in Berlin can have the personal satisfaction of "knowing" who I am! Yep, I'll get right on that! Just as soon as hell finishes freezing over!

Dear? Let me clue you in on something... Women do NOT think that way, nor do they act that way! No woman who is in the least in her rational mind would ever put her "honor" before her family... But that is neither here nor there... What you seem to want from me is something definitive and concrete that you can sink your teeth into, even though you yourself spew nothing but endless vagaries left and right... But what the hey! I am obliging if nothing else, so why not!

Gender is not a synonym for sex, which only comes in two flavors, male and female...and as you Dear Sophie possess both a working penis and testicles, that would in fact make you a male, n'est-ce pas? That you, a male, have chosen to act out rather random bits of what you perceive to be feminine affectations and dress does not negate the fact that you are still a male! You can demand all you want that the world around you feeds the fantasy of your "gender" somehow magically transforming you into a female and you can keep right on doing it till the cows come home but that will never change the simple fact that you, Sophie, are still a male!

How's them apples? Was it concrete enough for you?

Oh and btw? Folks where I live really do talk in the very manner in which I write, and, I do not censor the comments on my blog, Thought about it more than once because my tolerance for idiocy is wearing a mite thin these days but I have resisted the temptation to date... So, if it your comment there did not post then it was you who screwed up in the posting...


Anonymous said...

My dear old professor told me once have "scanned" one of my early papers that I'd filled with my complex terms and explanations that if I could not explain myself in simple words and terms then I didn't understand the subject well enough. He duly sent me off to re-write the whole thing. It was a lot of work and a well learned lesson.

Your writings "Sophie" (sic) are filled with the meanderings of a soul lost in the wilderness and full of obfuscation and attempts to both impress and confuse any reader; presumably in an attempt to make them believe you.

What I see in what you have written throughout the entire history of your blog is the attempt of a con artist to fool any reader into believing the utter nonsense you have written in order to justify simple obsessive cross-dressing.

In the post in which I have made this comment the owner of this blog is seeking to discredit MKIA by associating her with a discredited TG adversary. The real reason you dismiss what Aria Blue said and what MKIA as well as Elizabeth says is that you dislike what they say. Why? because neither of them believe your sad tale of deception.

Personally I've been called a "sockpuppet" more times than almost anyone, yet I have in the past 8 years now posted only as Evangelina Carters or under the title of a blog I used to write "cassandraspeaks" Frankly it's all water of a ducks back to me. What I speak is the truth and my personal history is irrelevant to what I say.

I simply don't give a flying fig what you do with your life or in your lives, any of you. What I do care about is the way you run around claiming to be something you patently are not. By doing that you are harming the chances of young and genuine high intensity transsexuals to enjoy a normal life where they do not have to constantly explain or justify a condition that has been cured.

Are you so blind and so self centred that you cannot see that or just too plain pompous.


Sophie's Mother said...

Oh dear, what's a mother to do? I thought I raised you better than that, son. You come out here with all of your pompous blustering and trying to convince people that you are something other than a man playing dress-up. Why is it so hard to accept that I am your mother? What proof do I need to give? I say that I am your mother, and so I must be, just like you and your ilk would like everyone to believe that you are women, just because you say so.

Ah but this is the conundrum. Is it not? You blokes in frocks set one standard for yourselves and another for others. Like the way you rail against us for "hiding behind aliases" while you yourself use the alias of "Sophie".

Now run along. Put on a frilly frock and knickers, and prance around in front of your mirror, you wanker.

Sophie said...

As I've said, I'm not willing to further respond here to stuff about me and my blog. If you've got problems with me or it, go and comment there.
@Mkia Don't have the slightest interest in you coming out or not, but it's interesting that you can flat out lie as to me asking you to come out let alone fight like a man. It's simply a matter of fact that effectively publishing as an anon doesn't help your personal credibility. Cry about that on your own time.
As to what you say about sex and gender, that's really beyond the scope of the op too. Would point out, though, that dividing the world into transvestites and those 1% of post ops which the HBS paradigm allows for, isn't actually something anyone outside your charmed circle takes too seriously, however loudly and often you repeat it.
A last stray thought goes that Evangeline Carters hails from the same geographical area as Anne,allegedly, and there's a history of amicability there.Just saying.

Kathryn Dumke said...

Sophie, I feel somewhat responsible for your engagement here on this blog post. It was precipitated by a comments I made on MKIA's blog.

I wonder if you read the original post and comments referenced in this post and taking a step back from being angry, you considered the actual content of what was being said in that original post and comment. I don't think that what MKIA's comment merited in any way this post. It just didn't. Not everything is an argument, sometimes we just need to listen, step back consider because now matter how unfair one might find the contents, no matter how much we dislike the form and no matter how we want to despise the person, we owe what is being said real consideration. If we don't then this whole thing is just a wild jungle in which we can all be emotionally and intellectually dishonest without consequences. Is that really the world you want to live in?

Sometimes it is better to be humble and take into serious consideration what people have to say, no matter how much it might hurt.

In this post your comment was neither appropriate nor was it designed for anything other than insult.

While not always tasteful, there is much to learn and not everything is an argument even if you disagree.

These people are just as real as anyone here. I assure you.

Anonymous said...

Of course Sophie's comment was intended as an insult. That's what he does. There is no way in hell that he will ever be able to live his fantasy, because without extensive facial feminization surgery, there is now possible way for him to pass for a female. So instead he directs his scorn at those who live the life he wishes he had.

Anonymous said...

These guys just plain refuse to get it through their male brains that it simply does not work this way...

Vicky Davis: "I am an almost full time MTF (male to female) non-op transsexual or something.... (all subject to change.)"

Sure.....what ever you say...

Anonymous said...

WOW! I guess it's late summer after all. The hornets are swarming in force! Sigh, I wonder if I'll ever manage to cultivate such a strong shellacked sheen of superiority to layer over a firm foundation of bitterness. You must really be smarter to have managed it in only one lifetime!

Anonymous said...

Read on, if you dare...


Anonymous said...


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