I am a almost full time MTF (male to female) non-op transsexual or something.... (all subject to change.)
Transgender Warning: Transgender stuff to follow!
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Monday, September 19, 2005
Another fun chat with a woman!
The names have been changed to protect the innocent.
** Initiating request **
** Becky accepted your chat request **
Vickie: lets try this again
Vickie: I guess I was typing too slowly
Becky: LOL..I thought you were with someone else!
Vickie: I am Vickie, 61, 3 children all grown and gown
Vickie: LOL
Vickie: no I was typing to you
Becky: nice...are interested in a erotic chat with a woman?
Vickie: wow a PhD cool
Vickie: sounds like fun
Vickie: I guess you are a little on the wild side.
Becky: PhD is a lot of work!1 But I love research...and teaching
Vickie: I bet it is. my father did silicone reserch for Dow Corning.
Becky: WOW!! I do research in medical field
Vickie: but some how I did not work hard enough I guss
Vickie: that has to be intresting
Becky: never think of what could have been!! Do you enjoy the comapny of women ?? ever been with a women?
Vickie: of course I love women
Vickie: LOL
Vickie: how about you?
Becky: MMM I wasn't sure... I have an "occassional" girlfriend
Becky: who is 58... she is soooooo sexy...
Vickie: I see, just testing out the waters?
Becky: I love to be around women... But I have to be VERY discreet....
Vickie: I can understand that, I am too.
Becky: I teach at a midwestern university... and do a lot of national travel
Becky: for federal grant approvals..so I'm pretty well known...
Becky: so am here letting my hair down once in a while
Vickie: but not as a lesbian, I take it
Becky: I probably am..I do "date" men occassionally..but we just chat and have dinner...
Vickie: you never get to let your hair down while traveling?
Vickie: that can be fun too.
Becky: rarely..I'm usually "in and out" in 24 hours...But have met soe wonderful people... and some very nice women...
Vickie: but the men seem to think we owe them something.
Becky: I have never had sex with a woman your age... I would just adore trying it...!!! *wink*
Vickie: that might be a bit fast to get much going
Vickie: I would love it too. I do not feel nearly as old as 61.
Vickie: maybe because most of the people at work are younger,
Becky: MMMMM that isgood... I love kissing... just gentle at first...
Becky: then feeling your tongue on mine!!...MMMMM
Vickie: that sounds like the way I like to kiss.
Becky: as I gently lay my hand over your breast
Vickie: mmmmmmmmm
Becky: and feel you as we kiss
Becky: th egentl emoan emmitted from your mouth...mmmm
Becky: the gentle moan
Vickie: feeling the skin on skin is the only way to go.
Becky: God yes.... and then tongue and lips on skin.....
Becky: and unbutton your blouse....
Vickie: yes, I love to suck your nipples, until they are hard.
Vickie: I would love you to undue my cloths
Becky: MMM and I lean over you and suck your breast into my mouth...feeling the nipple on the back of my throat..MMMM
Vickie: I would love that, it has been so long
Becky: MMMM yes..... as I suck your breast and feel the nipple on the back of my throat...
Becky: I unzip your skirt... as I feel your ass...
Becky: gently rubbing it
Vickie: oh my god!!
Becky: and slip it down and off your ankles... see your nylons and garters...
Vickie: I can hardly wait to feel where your hands will be next..
Becky: and then licking the garters... love the feel of them in my mouth
Vickie: I am loving this sooo much
Becky: as I smell your wonderful scent....
Vickie: where will you touch me next
Becky: and kiss your panties... and nuzzle your pussy through them
Vickie: and I love your scent too.
Becky: I stand up...wanting you to take my clothes off...
Vickie: my legs are spreading for you now.
Vickie: they must be excited
Vickie: they love what you are doing
Vickie: soon I will be going down to your panties too.
Vickie: but they will not stay on for long
Becky: MMMM you can lick them... and suck on them too!!
Vickie: of course I will. and lick you all around
Vickie: and gently touch you between your legs
Becky: yes... I lick the gusset of your panties..them slowly pull them down... mmmm you have a beautiful pussy honey
Vickie: very gently at least at first
Becky: do I ffel good to you..between my legs?
Vickie: oh yes, so soft and smooth.
Becky: MMMMM
Vickie: and so reseptive to my fingers
Becky: Oh god baby....
Becky: I am going to have to go
Becky: my email is.....
Becky: beckyxxxxx@yahoo.com
Vickie: I can feel you moving to move my hand to where it feels the best
Becky: please write me..I wil answer...then we can carry on all we want
Vickie: I got that address
Becky: will you write me??
Becky: Then I can send you some pictures...
Vickie: I copied it into a email and I will send it when I can. thanks
Becky: your lovely.....xoxoxoxo
Vickie: it will be from vickiexxxx@gmail.com
Becky: God..you are so hot Vickie!! I can hardly wait....
Vickie: I had to reverse my name there, some one already had it forward.
Becky: I understand...
Becky: I have a cold..so need some rest
Vickie: You seem very hot yourself, Hun! wow
Vickie: it is late for us working girls.
Becky: MM wait!! you will be sooo wet...I enjoy chatting with you...bet you taste wonderful *wink*
Vickie: I was just heading to bed when I saw your chat request.
Becky: glad you saw it!! Now we can become "close" and have all kinds of fun!! Yummy
Vickie: I am sure we can have a wonderful time togather. yes I am looking forward to lots of fun!!
Becky: MMMnight ....xoxoxox
Chat session ended: Becky has ended the chat session
Saturday, September 17, 2005
Here is the text of the chat I just had at Mate1
The names were changed to protect the guilty. LOL
Tell me I am not good!
Tell me I am not good!
** Initiating request **
** Lover accepted your chat request **
Vickie: hello, I let a window stay open and did not see your request.
Lover: it ok
Vickie: thanks, how long ago did you try to start that chat?
Lover: few weeks and u
Vickie: LOL about the same for being here, but I was asking how long ago you tried to chat with me?
Lover: just tiday
Lover: i mean today
Vickie: that picture of you is cute
Vickie: just so small
Lover: i m sorry
Vickie: who is your friend behind you?
Lover: so u like to chat
Vickie: thats ok
Lover: about what ?
Vickie: it is a good way to get to know someone a little bit.
Vickie: it seems so scarry to meet people in the real world too early.
Lover: why u say that
Lover: are u still there
Vickie: I guess I am just nervious from what I had read. Have you had good luck meeting folks from the internet?
Lover: sometimes what did u read that make u nervous
Vickie: nothing specific, I guess. and most of it was about kids I guess.
Vickie: maybe I am just way too shy
Lover: shy about what yourself
Lover: what about kids
Vickie: just shy about meeting new people. it should be fun and exciting.
Lover: it should when u get used to it
Vickie: I have 3,but they are all grown and gone, along with the ex. LOL
Vickie: I should. I am working on it
Vickie: that is why I am here
Lover: but ur looking for a woman to chat and more what do u expect more than chatting and freindship
Vickie: I would love to have more. what about you?
Vickie: yes more is good, a personal relationship with some one would be the best. Skin contact is great!
Lover: more of what intimacy ?
Vickie: LOL hugging, kissing, carressing, oral stuff, toys. all the fun stuff.
Lover: oh there u go iwas just waiting for that see ur not shy
Lover: u have toys
Vickie: it is easy not to be shy on the internet. a bit harder in the world.
Lover: its okey the world don't care about it its just u
Vickie: yes of course, don't you?
Lover: no u just feel that way its okey
Vickie: the inventor of the vibrator should get a nobel prize!
Lover: why u said that
Vickie: LOL
Vickie: just being a smart alic
Lover: you like vibrators
Vickie: yes and and my girl friends do too.
Lover: u own one
Vickie: yes of course. you should get one, you might like it.
Lover: i like when u play with me
Lover: u like top eat pussy
Vickie: that is good too, I would love to do that too. vibrators are not a substitue just and extra
Vickie: either way, or both. depending on the day. LOL
Lover: u making me horny
Vickie: 69 is the best. giving and recieving is sooooo goooood.
Lover: tell me more
Vickie: I am doing it to myself now also.
Lover: ur legs are spread
Lover: let me get into u
Vickie: yes I guess they are.
Lover: take of ur clothes
Vickie: ok
Lover: i want u babe
Lover: hear my whispers
Lover: iwant u
Lover: so bad
Vickie: I feel the same about you (she wispered)
Lover: blowing air into ur ears
Lover: touch me baby
Lover: over
Lover: i mean all over
Lover: let me pass my fingers all over ur body
Vickie: I would love to caress your curves. and I bet you have great curves. and the feel of that soft skin between the legs is so wonderful.
Lover: i want u so bad
Vickie: and the way you react as I get higher and higher. nothing like it.
Vickie: even when we have done it for years, it is still good.
Lover: i wanna play with those tits roun my tounge uuuuuuuuuuuuuum so good
Lover: yeah over
Vickie: yes next to that skin below, that is the best
Lover: feel my toung making ur tits hard so i can suck them
Vickie: making my niples all wrinkled up and then stretched out. getting hard to type now.
Lover: touching my self going down
Lover: want u so fuckin bad
Vickie: I want you too!(it is getting hard to find the right keys)
Vickie: are you touching yourself now?
Lover: iwanna fuckin suck u so bad
Vickie: you know I would love that. it has been too long.
Lover: lick u all over uuuuuuummmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Lover: let me go down my tounge just spread ur legs
Lover: let me in
Vickie: wow, just what I want
Lover: feel me
Lover: my tounge rolling on ur clits
Vickie: yes I'll help you fined that spot
Lover: i hear u saying
Lover: like me
Lover: lick my pussy
Lover: go in to my world
Vickie: but I would let you work the whole area, then I would do the same back to you.
Lover: let me fuckin do u first
Lover: i wanna hera u scream
Lover: u feel me
Lover: inside
Vickie: I would love to lick you too
Lover: u
Lover: my tounge rolling all over u
Vickie: LOL I am about to screem now, girl!
Lover: eating ur pussy
Vickie: yes, the lips are swelling now.
Lover: ummmmm ummm feel my tongue going in and out
Vickie: and so wet. good thing this is a wooden chair and not cloth.
Vickie: push it way in
Lover: i want u to spread more our legs
Lover: playing ur clits while my tounge is in side
Vickie: they are now about as spread as far as they can go, even before you asked.
Vickie: LOL
Lover: let my fingers go in
Lover: going slowly
Lover: deeper
Lover: deper
Vickie: oh yes, and find that g spot. make me swell up in there
Lover: u like it
Lover: yeah doing it
Lover: more
Vickie: you have to ask??
Lover: inside
Lover: deperr
Lover: scream for me
Lover: let me borrow your string with big dildo
Vickie: I am screeming now. I can hardly stand having both hands on the keyboard.
Lover: i wanna fuck u
Lover: so bad
Lover: u want it in ur ass
Vickie: yes and I want you too. take my vbrator and do some work on me.
Lover: yeah
Lover: ur ass or ur puss
Vickie: LOL how did you know I loved that too
Lover: i dont know just h=guessing
Vickie: I have a special small one for the alternate openings. it is just right
Lover: give it to me
Lover: let me do u
Vickie: the bigger ones work best for the front. I will show you
Lover: even though im waiting to get laid
Lover: let me finish u then u fucki me let me see how good areu
Lover: show me
Vickie: yes, and I will do the thing you do to me back to you.
Lover: i like that
Vickie: that way I will know what you like.
Lover: ohh good
Lover: oh yeah
Lover: fuckin u
Lover: feel me moving in and out of u
Vickie: I love the feeling of your pussy swelling up just before you cum.
Lover: u wanna eat my cum
Vickie: you know I do!
Lover: u want me now
Vickie: I need you so bad. i want you now!
Lover: my g=fingers are inside my pussy
Lover: so fuck me
Lover: fuck me hard
Lover: fuck me now
Lover: i wanna get fuck
Vickie: I want to press my toung in your pussy, fucking you as hard.
Vickie: maybe we need a strapon! ever used one of those
Lover: ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yeah
Lover: the bset
Lover: no
Vickie: it gives you faviorate girl a dick.
Vickie: or visa veras
Lover: so what are u waiting
Lover: fuck meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Lover: fuck me hard
Lover: fuck my pussy
Vickie: who is waiting, I am do it in my mind!
Lover: vickie i want u so fuckin bad
Lover: do me
Lover: now
Lover: my pussy is wet and juicy
Vickie: in and out for as long as you you can stand. the you can do me!
Lover: yea
Vickie: until we just pass out in exticy.
Lover: do me more i want
Lover: u
Lover: fuck
Lover: me
Lover: hold on
Lover: i think im cumming
Vickie: tell me more.
Chat session ended: Lover has ended the chat session
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
Call for Help is back!!

G4 is finely correcting a big mistake they made a few years ago, by bringing "Call for Help" back to the USA.
It has been on the air in Canada, almost the whole time it was off the air here in the US.
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