Transgender Warning: Transgender stuff to follow!

Transgender Warning: Transgender stuff to follow!
There are now hundreds of articles, neat pictures and videos here, that are mostly trans* related.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

OutCast Archive - January 4, 2009

OutCast Archive - January 4, 2009

Sunday, January 4, 2009

It's Sunday, January 4, 2009, and tonight on OutCast our guest is transgender activist Sabrina Marcus Taraboletti.

Sabrina is featured in the documentary film,Trinidad, which screened tonight at the Alamo Ritz. Sabrina discusses a number of matters with us, including her strong Catholic faith, founding the Southern Comfort Conference, and why her kids still call her "dad".



1 comment:

Justine Valinotti said...

I saw Trinidad just after I came back from my surgery. I loved both the town and the film.

For the two days before I was admitted to the hospital, and the four after I was discharged, I stayed at The Morning After House, which is the successor to the Morning Glow. The room in which I stayed is called the Sabrina room.


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