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Web Exclusive New support group forms for female-to-male
Tennessee T-Men formed by T-Vals
by O&AN Staff Reports A new support group for female-to-male transgender, the Tennessee T-Men, has been formed by the T-Vals.
"The old Nashville FTM group seems to be defunct and we believe there is a need for such a group," said Vickie Davis, web director for T-Vals. "They will be as independent as they want to be, from the main T-Vals group. They will have access to the upstairs for their private meetings. The T-Vals are just hear to help and give support. We will welcome any or all, with open arms, if they would like to participate with the main group, but that is not necessary. "
Davis said a Web site had been created, and a new contact email address set up. A FTM transgender will receive and respond to the emails.The group meets at 6 p.m. on the second Saturday of the month for the transition meeting. Afterwards they meet concurrently with the T-Vals, a group for all transgendered people. Individuals are screended for the privacy of those attending. Please let them know if you want to attend a meeting.
The Tennessee Vals is an open social and support group for persons discovering who they are, in terms of gender. The Vals offer a safe, confidential atmosphere for transgender persons, their families, and friends. The group is open to all individuals who identify themselves as intersex, androgynous, cross dressers, transsexuals, or transgenderists; whether gay, straight, bisexual, asexual, or non-sexual. The individual members are involved to support, educate, and make friends within the transgender community specifically, but within the larger GLBT community, as well. The Tennessee Vals is not a singles, swingers, or fetish club, and our members do not engage in inappropriate behavior (sexual or otherwise) at Vals meetings.
Vickie Davis
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